Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and charm blog Mascot, Vol. 413

There’s nothing like a bit morning meditation to remove the kitty cobwebs and focus your powers of feline fabulousness on kitty modeling domination.

Tabs wished to choose his walk at the crack of dawn this morning before the neighborhood hustles and bustles to ensure that he could channel his chi and practice his kitty yoga poses…


His favorite time to walk is early, early, early in the morning, often even before dawn when it’s still a bit dark, because it’s quieter and often there are still interesting varmints like raccoons skulking about.

Today it was already light, but it was still early and quiet.

I’ve observed that he’s not as confident outside as he once was. It utilized to be that he wouldn’t get startled by people and cars, but now if something noisy occurs he’ll pull me on his leash all the method back to the front door.


As a world-renowned kitty supermodel/feline fashion icon, he’s probably thinking, “I can’t deal with this drama! I have as well numerous essential things to do!”

Your friendly neighborhood charm addicts,

Karen and Tabs