Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 613

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, as opposed to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of five much more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a good start.

1. Can you change a tire?

Probably not! I wish I could. It seems like one of those life skills everyone ought to learn in high school, but…ya know. I did not.

2. Liquid, pencil, gel or cake eyeliner?

Pencil, because smudgy lines and diffused edges 4 life, baby.

3. Summer, spring, winter season or fall?

Spring, assuming there are allergy meds around, because apparently I’m allergic to life as we know it.

And my second favorite season is fall.

4. how numerous TVs are there in your house?

Just the one in our living room. El Hub has been lobbying for a second TV in our bedroom for years, but I’m not having it, LOL!

Of course, every phone and tablet screen substitutes for a TV nowadays, so I don’t know how much it matters.

5. favorite color or colors?

I’ve always loved purple, but I’ve been drawn to pastel coral, pink, yellow and orange much more than ever lately.

Essie Expressie Update

Hiya! I’m off to work at the bakery in just a few, so before I remove my nail polish and say g’bye to my pink Essie Expressie weekend mani, here’s what the polish looked like after two days…

The nails on my left hand, which is my typical swatch hand, survived Saturday and Sunday with minimal chips at the tips.

Two layers of Expressie second Hand first Love
Essie Expressie in second Hand first love after two days…
There were a few good dents on my best hand, all of which showed up right away after I was futzing with some Legos (#MOMLIFE) on Saturday morning. To the polish’s credit, the chips didn’t get bigger over time.


See the dent in my thumbnail?
All in all, it held up pretty well, considering that I didn’t use a separate base coat or top coat. If you need to rapidly paint your paws for an event, or if you’re like me and only need your nail polish to last a couple days at a time, these polishes do the trick quite nicely.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,




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P.S. here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. speak with ya soon.

1. Can you change a tire?
2. Liquid, pencil, gel or cake eyeliner?
3. Summer, spring, winter season or fall?
4. how numerous TVs are there in your house?
5. favorite color or colors?